Le crash test !

The crash test!

There we are, we are ready!

Protos: ok, packaging: ok, catalog: ok, professional site: ok!

Our first show: the crash test!

We are presenting this first collection at the Maison&Objet show in January 2024.

We divided our stand: 2/3 Les Mots Doux, our first brand, and 1/3 Olé Olé.

A more than encouraging welcome!

And success is there.

The buyers and stores are here! Our fans capture attention, people stop, the designs appeal and we… well, we are on cloud nine!


Pre-orders have been placed! We will be able to launch production of all these models to be able to deliver to our stores as soon as the nice weather arrives!

All the lights are green!

This first show was a test for us.

It allowed us to ensure that our models were popular and that we were right with this idea!

Now we have to tackle the general public!

I'll tell you everything in a future article 😊

See you soon,


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