Les premiers essais

The first tests

A name

I'm on cloud nine, we're brainstorming for a brand name.

It is important for us to dissociate our jewelry brand “Les Mots Doux” and this new brand of fans.

Since the idea of ​​fans entered my head, I have had fun speaking with a Spanish accent (Fanny is a very good audience and has a lot of patience!!) And I had fun punctuating my sentences with “Olé!! »

And finally, what could be better than a brand of fans??

Olé is pronounced in all languages ​​and really brings to mind Spain.

And we really liked what the meaning of “Olé Olé” suggested: something not very serious. Because deep down, what we want above all is to have fun!

So of course, we have this entrepreneurial desire - of course, we want to develop a new brand - of course, we already have a strategy in our head, but our fuel to move forward is above all pleasure, fun and the joy of living!

We hastened to register the domain name, the Instagram, FB and Tik Tok account and a quick email to our law firm specializing in intellectual property and the name of our new brand was registered!!

Looking for suppliers

Having the idea is good. The name is even better. I have a clear idea of ​​the design of our fans in my head and our positioning, however… how do you make a fan??? I don't know !

We agreed with Fanny, we wanted to offer a range of very good quality at a fair price. And the choice of supplier would really be decisive for the future. Would we be able to find a craftsman who is capable of offering us a “product” that meets our requirements and respects our values?

I first looked in France... but I had to face the facts, this know-how is with our Spanish friends!

But… I speak Spanish like a Spanish cow! So, I took my courage in both hands, put my ego aside and launched into research

Thank you Google translate and artificial intelligence. After canvassing numerous manufacturers, I fell under the spell of one of them.

He makes the fans by hand in an environmentally friendly approach and above all, he trusts us.

The designs

At the same time as this research, I started to draw. I redecorated the entire Mots Doux workshop with fans!!

I wanted a beautiful design, trendy and different from what already exists.

I wanted to draw our ideal fan.


Another essential point was that Les Mots Doux should not be neglected. This September/December period is THE big highlight for us. There is the return of the show, Christmas and the summer collections to be developed in order to be ready in January for this session of Maison&Objet.

So I worked on “Olé Olé” during my breaks, on weekends and I blocked off half a day (sometimes more) per week to make as much progress as possible.

Logo, packaging, pouch, communication supports

As I have been breathing Sweet Words for 8 years,

Defining the tone, the lexicon, our values, our philosophy... In 8 years of Mots Doux, I speak "magic and jewelry" fluently, but here, I'm starting from scratch!! And writing a brief for the definition of the website or the packaging took me a lot more time than expected…

Stay tuned for the rest!



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