Notre toute première collection !

Our very first collection!

La Primera

We finally selected 6 models out of the dozens of drawings produced. I show them to those around me and… not everyone is won over… It’s double or nothing. Either people love it or it's a total flop.

Deep down, I know!! These are the designs and no others. Fortunately, Fanny is as sure as I am, because in these cases, we seek confirmation bias from our peers. We would like everyone to fall in love with our fans.

But that's not the case, really not... My lover (who is not in the target) supports me but I don't feel any emulation... Just like for Fanny's husband.

That doesn't stop us from believing in it very strongly. We are sure of ourselves!!

I received the first prototypes between Christmas and New Year's Day.

I am the happiest in the world!!

The colors are there, the fan closes perfectly, the wood is so beautiful, the perfect grip!! Still 2 or 3 small details to sort out, but we're on the right track!

Fanny is on leave at the time but she can't resist the urge to see them in real life! I invite myself to her house and I am over the moon to see the stars in her eyes when she discovers these first models.

First photo shoot

The race against time is on! All communication supports must be prepared for the presentation of this first collection. I contacted Marie, our beloved photographer, and we did this first shoot in the middle of winter!

At the same time, we are creating the site for resellers, the Instagram account, the catalog… and all these other communication supports which will accompany this launch.

A life-size test!

Everything must be ready for the Maison & Objet show in January 2024 where we will unveil this first collection in our stores!

Stay tuned for the rest 😊

Good day to you,


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